Make a donation now: Sri Sanatan Dham activities are supported through generous donations received from individuals, groups and organizations like you. Please, feel free to browse through our activities and outreach (recommended to review the posts and webpages of this website). We welcome donations targeted towards activities that speak to you.
Sri Sanatan Dham is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that conducts “Sanatan Dharm” religious services, worship, devotional retreats, health & wellness, educational and charitable events and programs throughout the year. All your donations are tax-exempt.
Make A Donation By Check: You can also donate by mailing us a check. Please make the check out to ‘Sri Sanatan Dham’ and mail to the following address:
Sri Sanatan Dham:
P.O. Box – 3382,
San Marcos, TX – 78667-2727